February Is Gum Disease Awareness Month

Happy National Gum Disease Month! If you have healthy gums, now is the time to give yourself a pat on the back. However, if you’re on the path to gum disease, now’s the time to put on the brakes. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at gum disease and let you know what you can do to prevent it.

Are Citrus Fruits & Juices Good for Teeth?

Managing your oral hygiene can be tricky. While some rules, like avoiding sodas and sugary candy, are easy to understand, the impact of other foods and drinks on your health can be more difficult to determine. One of the foods that presents a conundrum is citrus. Read our blog post to learn about the impact of citrus on teeth and oral health.

Dental Fads to Avoid

Fads come and go, and many times it happens for good reason. Check out our blog post for a look at some dental fads we recommend avoiding to protect your oral health.

How Do Genetics Affect Oral Health?

Although it’s up to each one of us to maintain healthy teeth for life, there is a component of our oral health that is beyond our control. Genetics play a role in our oral health for life. Read our blog post for a look at some ways your DNA may be affecting your teeth.

Sugar Alternatives for Healthier Teeth

It can be hard to stay healthy and enjoy all of your favorite foods if you have a sweet tooth. Consuming foods that contain high amounts of sugar can lead to tooth decay. Read our blog post for some sugar alternatives for healthier teeth.

What Is Dry Mouth?

The mouth should be naturally moist from regular saliva production. If this doesn’t sound like you, you may be suffering from dry mouth. Read our blog post to learn how to identify the condition, and why it shouldn’t be ignored. Contact us if you experience chronic dry mouth!

Five Ways to Prevent & Manage Gingivitis

Every year, many Americans are diagnosed with gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. While gingivitis can often be treated and even reversed if it’s spotted early, it can develop into periodontitis and lead to tooth loss if not addressed. Read our blog post for tips on preventing and managing gingivitis. Contact us if you have gum issues.

What Are the Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush?

Read our blog post to decide if your oral health would benefit from switching to an electric toothbrush. We explain how an electric toothbrush is more likely to deliver a deeper, safer, and better clean than a manual toothbrush. Ask our team for brand recommendations!