Which Foods Cause Tooth Decay

Read our blog to learn which cavity causing foods to watch out for but don’t forget to schedule your twice a year visit to our office for a general exam and professional cleaning. Preventing and identifying potential problems goes a long way toward maintaining good oral health.

Are Citrus Fruits & Juices Good for Teeth?

Managing your oral hygiene can be tricky. While some rules, like avoiding sodas and sugary candy, are easy to understand, the impact of other foods and drinks on your health can be more difficult to determine. One of the foods that presents a conundrum is citrus. Read our blog post to learn about the impact of citrus on teeth and oral health.

Which Foods Benefit Oral Health?

By now, you should know that a good at-home oral hygiene routine that involves brushing twice daily and flossing each day can help you avoid cavities and preserve a beautiful smile. However, there is another important factor in your oral health that you may be forgetting: your diet. Read our blog post where we share some food options that can help keep your pearly whites healthy and strong.